Secondary Highway

Life off of the freeway, taking in the scenery.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Fame Tracker for the Sockmonkey Suit: Part 1

Well lookie here, it appears the Sockmonkey Suit got a mention of sorts in the Shepherd Express, not just once, but twice! The Shepherd is the local left leaning weekly pub for those not in the know. It has long been my favorite weekly paper of all the places I've lived in, so of course I'm chuffed to see my painting and suit up there on the top of the page. Sweet-ness!

Kind of makes the lugging of a living room worth of furniture up two flights of stairs, getting covered in dust, and having to interact with people for two days almost worth it. I'm kidding, I kid. It was a fantastic experience, I'm just not sure I'm going to make a career out of craft shows. If it happens, it'll be with much less, and/or lighter furniture. That, and everything has to fit in the bed of Truckasaurus. Next time around will probably be a lot easier to deal with since the hard stuff like making signs, and constructing the backdrops from pvc pipe and 12 yards of fabric (that was a total score at $1.25 a yard!) is all done.

I've got note cards and 1" pins of the painting for sale if anyone is interested, and of course, Sockmonkey Suits are for sale. I've got a pile of them. $300 gets you a suit of socky-fun. If you want to use them for your perverted "furry" conventions, don't tell me, I don't want to know.

Thank you, Thank you, to the Paper Boat Ladies for organizing the event, you girls are the awesomest-est.


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