Secondary Highway

Life off of the freeway, taking in the scenery.

Thursday, December 08, 2005


Still cold. So cold I can't wash the Miata which is coated in a thick layer of salt. Salt! I hate salt. Why can't we use more sand? Or make people use snow tires? Snow tires are the best thing EVER.

Time to take it to the carwash. I'm afraid of automatic carwashes ever since last winter, when I got stuck in one when it just stopped working with my car coated in soap. I rocked back and forth, waited, and finally sheepishly opened my door. Nothing. Looked around to make sure I would run over anything, and then exited the building. After a second attempt and yelling at the mean, stupid man at the gas station's counter, I ended up driving to another gas station with a car wash to finish the job. That sucked.

I need to take a picture of me in my shawl skirt. It's a big triangle that I crocheted last year, that I wrap around my waist and tie there as a lapghan because I'm sick of taking it off and putting it back on everytime I get up from my desk to pee or get more hot water for my tea. Cold, so cold.


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